Corpus AMPER-Cat

The AMPER-Cat Corpus contains two recordings eachlasting about 12 minutes that were made in April 2007 and August 2008 respectively. This corpus also includes a three-minute ethnological text containing sentences of everyday use. The recorded subjects were a 25-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man.

The method used to collect this data is one known as the Map Task. In this technique, two participants have a map but only one of them knows the details to complete the route to a particular destination. In addition, the two maps are slightly different. In the course of the task, participants produce questions and answers in order to end up sharing the same information, i.e. the same route with the same details.

Data collection was performed using a digital recorder by Esteve Valls and Maria Cabrera (PhD students at the University of Barcelona), Lourdes Aguilar (professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Francesc Ballone (PhD student at the University of Sassari), under the direction of Eugenio Martínez Celdrán and Ana Maria Fernández Planas and working within the framework of the AMPER project. This international project includes other kind of corpora such as “fixed corpora”, which contain “control sentences” that serve to facilitate comparison between different points in the interview and across different language varieties.

How to cite this corpus:

Martínez Celdrán, Eugenio; Fernández Planas, Ana Maria [coord.] (2003-2010). AMPER-CAT. Atles Multimèdia de la Prosòdia de l’Espai Romànic. []