Corpus de l'Atles interactiu de l’entonació del català

The Interactive Atlas of Catalan Intonation Corpus contains recordings of three Map Tasks of about 10 minutes each that were made in December 2007. The participants were two 50-year-old women, two 60-year-old women and two 30-year old men.

Data was collected for this corpus by means of Map Tasks. The Map Task is a technique in which two subjects cooperate to complete a specific task. It is designed to cause the subjects to produce certain target linguistic phenomena. It also enables the researcher to control for certain context effects like voiced segments, information structure and word prosodic structure. Each participant has a map of an imaginary town marked with buildings, fountains, monuments and other specific elements. A route is marked on the map of one of the two participants, and that person has the role of the instruction-giver. The version of the same map held by the other participant differs from that of the instruction-giver and does not show the route to be followed. The second participant therefore has to ask the instruction-giver questions in order to be able to reproduce the same route on his or her own map.
Data collection was carried out under the direction of Pilar Prieto and Teresa Cabré by Francesc Ballone (PhD student at the University of Sassari) and Maria del Mar Vanrell (PhD student at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona).

How to cite the corpus:

Prieto, Pilar; Cabré, Teresa [coord.] (2010). Atles interactiu de l'entonació del català. []