labeling system

The uses of Sp_ToBI

of the system

Prosodic phrasing


Sp_ToBI Labeling System


The Spanish ToBI labeling scheme, or Sp_ToBI, is a tool for the prosodic annotation of Spanish speech corpora that contains prosodic, phonetic, and intonational information.


Original Sp_ToBI

The original Sp_ToBI was presented by Beckman et al. in 2002 :


Modified Sp_ToBI

Since that time, some work has been done and some modifications to this original labeling scheme have been proposed.
Some workshops have been organized in order to improve the system. You can find a list of these workshops on Sp_ToBI in the References section of this website.
The main references proposing modifications to the original Sp_ToBI system are:

This website presents a reviewed version of Sp_ToBI including those modifications.
It contains the training materials for the Sp_ToBI transcription system, along with examples of labeled utterances and labeling exercises. It is intended to be a practical tool for learning how to prosodically label diverse Spanish speech data.

It is to be understood as a work in progress. Suggestions are always welcome. (Contact us)