Llinàs-Ojea Corpus


1. Phonetically and orthographically transcribed corpus (using PhonProject)

General description. Corpus including data of one monolnigual Spanish speaking-child (Irene), available using Phon program. All recorded sessions have been segmented, annotated, and phonetically and orthographically transcribed. She was recorded on a monthly basis from 0;11 until 2;04, at home and during spontaneous interactions with an adult relative. The corpus has been obtained from the CHILDES database.


Materials. Phonetic and orthographic transcription of all child's productions. Phonetic transcription is made of all childn's productions (IPA Actual), together with the phonetic transcription of that word in adult language (IPA Target).

Name Age Gender Sessions Corpus
Irene 0;11–2;04 F 23 link


Team. The GrEP members (Group of Prosodic Studies) which segmented and phonetically transciped this corpus are Eduard Artés and Jill Thorson.


Sponsorship. This project was funded by the project awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education entitled "Estructura prosòdica i adquisició de la prosòdia en català i espanyol" (HUM2006-01758/FILO, 2006-2009), directed by Pilar Prieto (ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra).



2. Orthographically transcribed corpus (using CLAN)

General description. Corpus including data of two monolingual Spanish speaking-children (Irene and Yasmin), and one monolingual Catalan speaking-child (Jordina), available downloading both .pdf files or .cha files (CLAN program). Irene is from a Northern region of Spain (Asturias), and was fortnightly recorded from 0;11 until 3;2. Yasmin is a trilingual speaking-child (with Spanish as first language and Catalan and English as second languages), and was fortnightly or monthly recorded from 1;10 until 2;9. Jordina is from Barcelona and was fortnightly or monthly recorded from 2;7 until 2;10. All recording took place at their homes during spontaneous interactions with an adults, usually the mother.


Materials. Orthographically transcribed sessions, which can be downloaded both in .pdf files and .cha files (in order to use .cha fie, the CLAN program must be installed). All the material is obtained from the CHILDES database.

Name Age Gender Sessions Corpus
        .pdf .cha
Jordina 1;07–2;10 F 49 not available download
Irene 0;11–3;02 F 60 download download
Yasmin 1;10-2;09 F 49 not available download


Team. Mireia Llinàs (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Ana Ojea (University of Oviedo) developped this corpus.


Sponsorship. The material for this corpus was gathered thanks to the Research Project awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (dec 2000) entitled "El desarrollo de las categorías gramaticales: Análisis contrastivo de la adquisición lingüística temprana del inglés, castellano y catalán" (BFF2000-0504), directed by Mireia Llinàs-Grau (Autonomous University of Barcelona).