The Online Corpus of Alguerese

Each corpus making up the Online Corpus of Alguerese is presented in audio and, when available, audiovisual format.

For each corpus the user can listen to the materials and simultaneously read the orthographic transcription, which has been carried out following various linguistic (lexical, phonetic, morphologic and syntactic) as well as non-linguistic criteria. The same criteria have been used for the transcription of the spontaneous or semi-spontaneous conversations that feature in the online Interactive Atlas of Catalan Intonation (link). These transcription criteria are consistent with the bibliography for each respective subvariety of Catalan (with Scala (2003) serving as the reference for Alguerese Catalan) and also the electronic version of the Gramàtica normativa de la llengua catalana published by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. This grammar takes into account the dialectal variation found within the Catalan linguistic domain as well as ways in which different degrees of formality may affect both spoken and written Catalan. In terms of lexicography, not only normative but also descriptive works have been consulted, the latter including references such as the Diccionari català-valencià-balear by Alcover-Moll (1993) and the Diccionari català de l'Alguer (1988) by Josep Sanna.