labeling system

The uses of Cat_ToBI

of the system

Prosodic phrasing


Cat_ToBI Labeling System

The Catalan ToBI labeling scheme, or Cat_ToBI, is a tool for the prosodic annotation of Catalan speech corpora that contains prosodic, phonetic, and intonational information.
The two main reference articles about Cat_ToBI are:

  • Prieto, P. – Aguilar, L. – Mascaró, I. – Torres-Tamarit, F. - Vanrell, M.M. (2009). “L’etiquetatge prosòdic Cat_ToBI”. Estudios de Fonética Experimental XVIII, pp. 287-309. ISSN 1575-5533.
  • Prieto, P. (in press). “The Intonational Phonology of Catalan”. Prosodic Typology 2, ed. by Sun-Ah Jun. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

This website contains the training materials for the Cat_ToBI transcription system, along with examples of labeled utterances and labeling exercises. It is intended to be a practical tool for learning how to prosodically label diverse Catalan speech data.